Car Manufacturer Paint Shop Bacterial Control with Bromine and Chlorine

A client in the automotive industry had reported continuous and repeated high bacterial levels in the Air Recirculation Process units that feed humid air into the paint spray booths to suppress dirt and dust in the air. This led to poor control, poor compliance and increased costs on disruptive and time consuming cleans. A Feedwater consultant proposed the use of a bromine based treatment using Feedbrom and Feedchlor chemicals to fix the issue.

Meat Packing Abattoir Cooling Tower Water Treatment Case Study

An Abattoir was pursuing the use of a borehole for the supply of make-up water to two large Evapco condensers. Site already had an existing water treatment supplier treating the condensers whom had recently submitted a large quotation for dosing/control equipment for a third new condenser to be installed. A local Feedwater consultant was able to offer an alternative option using Coolguard chemicals and save the client a significantly against other competitive proposals.