
Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals

It's in our name, Feedwater have been experts in Boiler Water Treatment since 1976 and work with some of the biggest companies in the UK.
As manufacturers we supply chemicals all around the world with a wide range of speciality boiler treatment chemicals available, many of which are available to order online today.

Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals

As well as being a service company Feedwater also manufactures and supplies a range of high-quality boiler water treatment chemicals for UK and export customers. Our chemicals are suitable for land, marine and heritage steam boilers.

A badly treated steam boiler is a potential bomb, so getting the feed water quality and boiler water chemistry correct is critical and that means using tried and tested boiler water treatment chemicals.

A complete water treatment programme for a steam boiler will usually include a chemical oxygen scavenger, alkalinity builder and polymer sludge conditioner and, depending on the application, may also incorporate a phosphate treatment and a condensate line treatment.

If you are looking for chemicals only, a selection of our most popular chemicals are available for online ordering by secure checkout process.

Online Ordering Available

For customers who only need chemical and need them quickly we have pioneered a new online ordering system, many of our popular boiler water treatment chemicals are available to order online from this page using secure card payments.

Chemicals with Service

Any treatment chemical is only as good as the service that accompanies it and we’ve been treating steam boilers for over 40 years. Our regional consultants look after hundreds of sites across the UK and are experts in the treatment of boilers and heating plants.

If you would like to arrange a free consultation with one of our experts to visit your site, we can come up with a bespoke treatment plan to increase your boiler plant efficiency, ensure the protection of your critical assets and save you money.

Contact us today for all your boiler water treatment chemicals and service requirements.

Boiler Water Oxygen Scavengers

A chemical oxygen scavenger is used to remove the residual oxygen from the boiler feed water in order to protect not only the boiler but also control corrosion in the hotwell (or feed tank) and the condensate return lines.


Our product range includes chemical oxygen scavengers based on sodium sulphite or sulfite which is fast acting, easy to test for and ideal for low-pressure boiler applications.

Corroban 25 – FDA-approved partially neutralised sodium sulfite (uncatalysed and also suitable for chlorine removal in drinking water and RO make-up) – POA

Corroban 26 – FDA-approved partially neutralised sodium suphite oxygen scavenger (catalysed) – Order Online

Corroban 27 – FDA-approved highly concentrated sulphite for maximum cost-effectiveness. – POA

We also supply a range of tannin oxygen scavengers as an alternative to sulphite or sulfite chemicals for low-pressure steam applications.


Tannin chemicals have a number of benefits:

  • Tannin’s don’t add to the boiler TDS so reduce the need for blowdown and save energy
  • they have a dual corrosion protection mechanism since they not only remove the oxygen but also form a corrosion resistant tannate film on the boiler steel
  • they are brown in colour so are easy to detect and test for
  • they are particularly suitable for low or variable feed water temperatures and very good at protecting idle and intermittently used boilers.

Whilst often seen as a traditional boiler water treatment chemical, Feedwater tannin products use high-quality freeze-dried tannin extracts, chosen specifically for their oxygen scavenging performance and which are blended with state of the art polymer sludge conditioners and alkalinity builders.

Feedwater’ tannin products are suitable for most low-pressure boiler applications and particularly popular with operators of steam engines, locomotives, traction engines and heritage steam boilers.

Boilertan 4 – A liquid tannin oxygen scavenger which is a direct replacement for DM 4 in 1. – POA

Polytan 4F – A mildly alkaline multifunctional tannin chemical incorporating two polymer sludge conditioners. – Order Online

Polytan 4C – A strongly alkaline multifunctional tannin chemical incorporating two polymer sludge conditioners. – Order Online

Polytan 8F – A highly concentrated liquid tannin treatment incorporating a polymer sludge conditioner (FDA approved). – POA

High Pressure Boilers

For high-pressure boiler applications volatile or zero solids oxygen scavengers are required. These chemicals are usually used where a thermal deaerator is fitted and don’t add to the TDS.

Corroban 22 is based on DEHA (Diethyl hydroxylamine) and provides not only oxygen scavenging and protection for the boiler system but is also steam volatile so helps to inhibit condensate line corrosion. – POA

Corroban 29 is based on Carbohydrazide which is a safe alternative to hydrazine. – POA

Alkalinity Builders

Depending on the natural feed water alkalinity, it is often necessary to add an alkalinity builder in order to establish the correct boiler water chemistry to prevent corrosion and scale formation.

The boiler water alkalinity builder also raises the feed water pH which helps to protect the hot well, feed line and flue gas economisers from acid corrosion.

Alkbuild – A liquid alkalinity builder (FDA approved). – Order Online

Corroban 30 – A combined alkalinity builder and polymer sludge conditioner (FDA approved). – Order Online

Polymer sludge conditioners

A polymer sludge conditioner should always be used to ensure that any hard water that enters the boiler doesn’t result in scale, by ensuring that the precipitated hardness is converted to a mobile sludge which can be removed by blowdown.

We supply a range of sludge conditioning chemicals for different applications. Most products can also be used at elevated dosage to safely clean up existing scale deposits over an extended period whilst the boiler is on-line.

Polyshield 200 – FDA approved sludge conditioner. – POA

Polyshield 300 – Dual polymer sludge conditioner for maximum performance – particularly good at removing old boiler scale. – POA

Polyshield 546 – High performance FDA approved sludge conditioner We incorporate the same polymer sludge conditioners in our multi-functional boiler water treatment chemicals. – POA

Boiler Phosphate Treatment Chemicals

Phosphate treatments are used in low pressure boilers to help prevent scale formation and in high pressure boilers as pH control agents. When used to prevent scale formation, they should be used in conjunction with a polymer sludge conditioner.

Corroban 64 – Phosphate/polymer blend (FDA) Corroban 65 – High polymer/phosphate blend (FDA approved). – POA

Corroban 66 – Phosphate/polymer blend (not FDA approved). – POA

Corroban 68 – Phosphate pH control agent for high pressure boilers. – POA

Waterguard P – Liquid phosphate treatment (no polymer, FDA approved). – POA

Multifunctional Boiler Water Chemicals

This range of chemicals are all in one boiler treatments which incorporate a boiler water oxygen scavenger, alkalinity builder, polymer sludge conditioner and, where appropriate, a phosphate treatment. They are matched to the feed water quality to ensure that the correct boiler water chemistry is achieved.

Polytan chemicals – Multifunctional tannin treatment chemicals – Order Online

Corroban 24 – multifunctional sulphite, alkali, phosphate, polymer blend (FDA approved) – POA

Corroban 24M* – multifunctional sulphite, alkali, phosphate, polymer blend (FDA approved) *Safety Marker – POA

Corroban 28 – phosphate-free multifunctional alkaline, sulfite, sludge conditioner (FDA approved) – Order Online

Corroban AWT 185 – pH neutral multifunctional sodium sulfite, polymer, phosphate blend (FDA approved) – POA

Steam Condensate Line Treatment Chemicals

When steam condenses, it can absorb oxygen and carbon dioxide which can cause rapid and costly corrosion of the condensate return lines.

In order to control this corrosion, steam-volatile amines can be used to neutralise the acidity or form a protective film on the pipework.

Amine X – concentrated single neutralising amine (FDA approved for some food applications). – POA

Amine C20 – low cost neutralising amine (FDA approved for some food applications). – POA

Amine N – blend of 3 neutralising amines with different distribution ratios, to protect the nearest and furthest parts of the steam lines. – POA

Amine T – combined neutralising and filming amine. – POA

Boiler Descaling Service

Limescale and other mineral deposits form when steam boilers and heating and cooling systems are operated with hard water, resulting in a loss of energy and heat transfer efficiency. In the case of a steam boiler, a scale build up can result in dangerous overheating and a risk of failure and even explosion.

Our descaling and boiler acid cleaning service uses a range of inhibited cleaning acids such as hydrochloric and sulphamic acid which are carefully matched to the system metallurgy and the nature of the scale.

Visit our chemical cleaning page here.

Boiler Descaling Chemicals

For competent operators who have experience or the confidence to perform their own boiler descale Feedwater offer a chemical bundle to perform this task.

Own Label Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals

Feedwater is a trusted manufacturer of water treatment chemicals in the UK and abroad. We can supply you with our steam boiler water chemicals with your own label on the drum. So if you are a water treatment service company, a steam boiler specialist supplier or an FM company looking to increase your added value, why not contact us because we can help you.

More information on Own Label services can be found here

Export Distributors Wanted

We are always looking for professional overseas partners and distributors, so if you are a water treatment specialist looking for an alternative supplier for your water treatment products, or you believe you have the capability to establish a high-quality water treatment service operation in your own territory, then please contact us.

own label chemicals

Boiler Water Softener Supplier

Feedwater Ltd is a UK based Industrial water softener manufacturer, supplier and water treatment specialist with over 30 years experience in designing and installing commercial water softeners and industrial water softening systems.

Our comprehensive range of hard water softeners provide a cost-effective way to overcome problems caused by hard water.

All our commercial water softeners combine design simplicity and rugged construction to ensure many years of reliable service.

Visit our page on Softeners here.

Softener Maintenance

When your water softener breaks down you need it fixing quickly if the damage caused by hard water is to be avoided. That’s why we have a dedicated team of water softener repair and maintenance technicians operating throughout the UK.

We’ve been building and servicing all types of industrial and commercial water softeners for over 30 years so we can help you.

pdf downloadDownload our Guide to Water Softener Service Options.

Visit our softener repair page here.

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