Marketing Manager for Feedwater Ltd In charge of website design and content up keep.

Investing in 21st Century Water Treatment

Building new digital systems such as web portals to give our customers anytime access to their important reports, certificates and data securely is one of the ways we are making sure water treatment is ready for the digital age. This helps our customers keep all needed data in one place ready for audits from the HSE.

11 Things you didn’t know about Feedwater – #9

Feedwater microbiological and chemistry water analysis offerings continue to grow.

Feedwater has proudly positioned itself as the all in one water treatment company carrying a wide gamut of products and services to cover the entirety of customer’s water treatment requirements. This has included having in-house chemistry and microbiological laboratories which process 10,000s of water samples for analysis every year.

Advice for Sampling & Analysis of Swimming & Spa Pools

Information obtained from regular monitoring can indicate:

whether or not water replacement and backwashing are being undertaken at sufficient frequency,
disinfectant levels are adequate,
show whether or not the operation of the water treatment plant is coping effectively with the bather load,
highlight any unnecessary hand dosing of water treatment chemicals,
provide information on the condition of the filter bed, and
provide advanced warning of failure of filter, pumps, valves etc.

Water Testing for Metals (Including Heavy)

It is common practice to test water for metals, this could be for drinking water reasons, limits on the levels prohibited in waste water or to establish the scale potential of the water. To make the provision of these types of water tests simple, Feedwater has created a number of metals analysis packs which include the sample kit and freepost return to our chemistry laboratory for analysis.