Mayoral Visit for Feedwater’s 40th

Wirral Mayor helps Feedwater Celebrate 40 years of Success The Mayor of Wirral, Councillor  Les Rowlands recently visited the Moreton based water treatment specialist Feedwater Ltd as part of their celebrations as they enter their 40th year of trading. Managing Director Tim Parkinson (Left), who joined Feedwater as an apprentice 35 years ago, said: It…

11 Things you didn’t know about Feedwater – #5

Feedwater is thinking green with ISO14001 Feedwater is accredited as an ISO14001 company which means we have achieved our target and are committed to continued reduction of our impact on the environment. Factors in this include the large recycling program, energy efficiency drive as well as vehicle emission reduction target which has just been updated with fantastic results. Target: Over…

Landlord Legionella Forum

With such demand to know more about legionella risk assessments on let properties; Feedwater made the effort to go down and represent at the Wirral landlord forum at the Village hotel, Bromborough on the 14th of May. The event was well attended and set up to be an education affair for landlord from around the…

Acid Cleaning a Heat Exchanger to Remove Scale

You can buy the chemicals mentioned in this procedure in our web shop by following their links. Before starting ensure that the Descaler is suitable for the system metallurgy. DESCALER ‘SF’ should NOT be used on stainless steel, aluminium or galvanised surfaces. Iron / SteelCopper & BrassStainless SteelGalvanised SteelAluminium Descaler SFYesYesNoNoNo Descaling PowderYesYesYesNoNo Set up…

m3/h to l/s Calculator

Convert litres per second into metres cubed an hour and vice versa Feedwater Ltd is a UK based industrial water treatment company here to assist with the chemical treatment of boilers, cooling and closed heating systems. The necessity for this calculator came about to help consider the correct model of Lakos separator needed for a…