Feedwater have recently launched an online legionella awareness training course, now this is a basic course and should be taken by those with some role in legionella management at their place or work and should not be seen as sufficient training for the responsible person on site, in this case we recommend a day course which Feedwater provide on request or held quarterly on site at Feedwater with our very own technical manager Gary Hogben.
The online course has 6 modules:
- What is Legionella?
- Risk Areas
- Legislation
- Risk Management
- Water System Monitoring
- Cooling System Awareness
These modules all come with their own test which needs successfully completing before a certificate can be awarded. If a module is failed this is no issue the participant merely needs to retake the test and may watch the module video over again.
A pass rate of 70% is required for each module, the course usually takes between 50 minutes to an hour and a half.
There is the option for companies with a group of employees who are seeking to use the legionella awareness training course to sign up for a business account and distribute licences / logins to participating employees. Please speak to us for more details.
Click here to see more information and sign up