
Descalers & Chemical Cleaners

Over time systems can become lined with scale if water isn't softened or treatment has been ineffective, when this happens it is important to arrange descaling of the system.
Feedwater provide both chemicals and services for performing descaling and chemical cleaning.

Descalers and Chemical Cleaners

Feedwater manufactures and supplies a range of high quality, descaling chemicals and water system cleaning chemicals for UK and export customers. We also have over 30 years hands-on experience disinfecting and cleaning all kinds of industrial and commercial water systems so if you don’t fancy doing it yourself we can do it for you.

Use the contact form below to inquire about our descaling and chemical cleaning services. Remember, scale acts as an insulator and within systems such as boilers can lead to a significant drop in efficiency. Don’t let your money go up in smoke, contact us today!

If you are a competent operator you may wish to perform the job in-house, in which case our industrial water system descaling and acid cleaning products are easy to use and come with full technical support, take a look at what we offer below and discuss with us how we can help you today.

boiler scale

Descaler Chemicals and Acid Cleaning Chemicals

Descaler SF is an inhibited liquid acid cleaning product based on hydrochloric acid which is ideal for boiler scale removal and descaling heat exchangers which are choked with lime-scale and other deposits.

Descaling Powder is a sulphamic acid based cleaner which is milder in its action than Descaler SF and is ideal for cleaning sensitive equipment like stainless steel heat exchangers and cooling towers.

Neutralising Powder can be used to neutralise the acid cleaning effluent before discharging it to sewer or foul drain.

Pre-Commission cleaning chemicals & closed system renovation cleaners

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Own Label Chemical Descalers, and Chemical Cleaners

We can supply you with our acid cleaning products with your own label on the drum. So if you are a water treatment service company, a specialist cleaning contractor or an FM company looking to increase your added value, why not contact us because we can help you.

Export Distributors Wanted

We are always looking for professional overseas partners and distributors, so if you are a water treatment specialist looking for an alternative supplier for your water treatment products, or you believe you have the capability to establish a high quality water treatment service operation in your own territory, then please contact us to discuss our descaling chemicals.

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