
Effluent Water Treatment

Our expertise helps businesses to reduce waste water contamination and reuse effluent where possible water leading to major cost savings.
Our Activ-Ox Chlorine Dioxide system has been treating and disinfecting waste water for decades helping our customers meet discharge requirements & reuse treated water in other processes.

Effluent Water Treatment Products & Services

We all know that water supply costs are going to carry on rising – so are water disposal costs. The more contaminated your effluent, the more your effluent handling company will charge you. Increasingly stringent discharge consent conditions are also being applied.

With the right treatment, a very significant proportion of waste process water may be perfectly suitable for reuse in other processes elsewhere on site, please take some time to study our effluent treatment chemical solutions which include Polymers, Coagulants, innovative Chlorine Dioxide and more.

Innovative Chlorine Dioxide Treatment

Where suitable our patented ClO2 Activ-Ox system is available to treat effluent and wastewater for reuse or to meet discharge requirements. Unlike other Chlorine Dioxide systems, Activ-Ox is simpler, safer and much more efficient offering an instant reaction within the waterline being treated.

In-House Chemistry & UKAS Micro Lab

Our in-house Chemistry & UKAS Accredited Microbiological laboratories are on hand to process effluent samples and aid your account manager with investigatory analysis all backed up with the knowledge of experienced Chemists & Microbiologists.

Chemical Production Department

We are ISO 9001 accredited and have over 40 years experience blending high-quality water treatment chemicals and can react quickly supplying chemical if something goes wrong. We operate our own fleet of lorries & FeedSafe our drumless chemical transfer system is available in the UK.

Nationwide Consultancy Team

For our UK customers, we have a countrywide consultancy team available to give expert advice, monitor your critical assets helping you improve efficiency, protect & increase the lifespan of your systems and save you money.

Water Testing Laboratory

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Advanced Chlorine Dioxide

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With Effluent treatment there are four main cost savings to be exploited:

  • Reduce the cost/m³ of your effluent water
  • Reduce the sludge volume leaving site
  • Recover heat from wastewater
  • Recycle treated effluent water

Our products and services will help you to save money, save time and operate within the law or stringent discharge requirements.

Chlorine Dioxide for Effluent Water Treatment

If you have a requirement for your waste water effluent to be disinfected then you may have considered chlorine dioxide as an option.

Chlorine dioxide is indeed a fantastic method of disinfection and Feedwater’s Activ-Ox® unit is different to all other methods of ClO2 generation.

First off unlike other systems it’s not a generator, it is a dosing system! A generator takes hours to reach it’s full yield of chlorine dioxide, Activ-Ox® simply mixes our unique pre-cursor chemicals together in a special reactor tee for instant and constant dosing in the water stream itself.

This makes Activ-Ox® simple, safe and cost effective and highly adaptable to many applications.

Watch our video on Activ-Ox treating water for reuse at a dairy:

Activ ox 2100

Feedwater has an extensive range of products including:

  • Anionic, emulsion grade polymers: A range of high molecular weight anionic water-in-oil emulsions. These chemical products are suitable for in-line dilution before being added to the application.
  • Cationic emulsion grade polymers: A range of linear and structured cationic water in oil emulsions. These chemical products are suitable for in-line dilution before being added to the application.
  • Anionic, powder-grade polymers: Anionic powder-grade polymers available in low, medium and high molecular weights.
  • Cationic, powder-grade polymers: Cationic chemical powders available in a range of molecular weights.
  • Organic primary coagulants including polyamines and PolyDADMACS: High cationic charge products needed to destabilise negatively-charged colloidal particles and promote rapid floc formation. Low molecular weight and viscosity ensuring complete distribution and mixing of the polymer in the water.
  • Inorganic primary coagulants: A wide range of PAC based products, Ferric Sulphate and Ferric Chloride.
  • Anti-foams: Wide range of very effective anti-foam products.

Here to Help you

We have a range of effluent treatment chemicals but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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